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# File: httpd.cnf
# Description: Domino Web Server configuration file
# Date: 20-Oct-1998
# Notes:
# 1. The contents of this file are used by the Domino web server. Modifications,
# additions, or deletions of directives in this file, except for MIME types,
# is unsupported.
# 2. When the Domino web server is started (or restarted), it reads two
# configuration files: httpd.cnf followed by domino.cnf.
# 3. Domino.cnf is generated from scratch each time the web server is started.
# Modifications to this file will not be honored. These settings should be
# changed in the server's Name & Address Book as well as the Domino
# Configuration database.
# MIME type mapping. Maps each suffix to the content-type of a file.
# Syntax: AddType <.suffix> <representation> <encoding> <quality>
# <encoding> is optional, default is "binary"
# <quality> is optional, default is 1.0
AddType .mime www/mime # Internal -- MIME is
# not recursive
# Audio formats
AddType .snd audio/basic # Sun/NeXT audio format
AddType .au audio/basic # Sun/NeXT audio format
AddType .aiff audio/x-aiff # Apple audio format
AddType .aifc audio/x-aiff # Apple audio format
AddType .aif audio/x-aiff # Apple audio format
AddType .wav audio/x-wav # Windows WAV format
AddType .mid audio/mid # Windows MIDI format
AddType .rmi audio/mid # Windows MIDI format
# Image formats
AddType .bmp image/bmp # Windows bitmap format
AddType .gif image/gif # GIF
AddType .ief image/ief # Image Exchange format
AddType .jpg image/jpeg # JPEG
AddType .jpe image/jpeg # JPEG
AddType .jpeg image/jpeg # JPEG
AddType .tif image/tiff # TIFF
AddType .tiff image/tiff # TIFF
AddType .ras image/cmu-raster # CMU raster format
AddType .png image/x-png # PNG
AddType .pnm image/x-portable-anymap # PBM Anymap format
AddType .pbm image/x-portable-bitmap # PBM Bitmap format
AddType .pgm image/x-portable-graymap # PBM Graymap format
AddType .ppm image/x-portable-pixmap # PBM Pixmap format
AddType .rgb image/x-rgb # RGB format
AddType .xbm image/x-xbitmap 7bit # X bitmap
AddType .xpm image/x-xpixmap # X pixmap format
AddType .xwd image/x-xwindowdump # X window dump (xwd)
AddType .cmx image/x-cmx # Corel CMX format
# Video formats
AddType .mpg video/mpeg # MPEG
AddType .mpe video/mpeg # MPEG
AddType .mpeg video/mpeg # MPEG
AddType .qt video/quicktime # QuickTime
AddType .mov video/quicktime # QuickTime
AddType .avi video/avi # MS Video for Windows
AddType .movie video/x-sgi-movie # SGI movieplayer
AddType .asf video/x-ms-asf # MS Active streaming format
AddType .asx video/x-ms-asf # MS Active streaming format
AddType .vdo video/x-vdolive # VDOLive script
# Message formats
AddType .eml message/rfc822 # Outlook Mail Message
AddType .mht message/rfc822 # Mail Message
AddType .mhtml message/rfc822 # Mail Message
# Text formats
AddType .html text/html 8bit # HTML
AddType .htm text/html 8bit # HTML variant
AddType .htmls text/x-ssi-html 8bit # HTML w/ Server-side includes
AddType .shtml text/x-ssi-html 8bit # HTML w/ Server-side includes
AddType .css text/css 8bit # Cascading Style Sheet
AddType .xml text/xml 8bit # XML
AddType .c text/plain 7bit # C source
AddType .h text/plain 7bit # C headers
AddType .cc text/plain 7bit # C++ source
AddType .cpp text/plain 7bit # C++ source
AddType .cxx text/plain 7bit # C++ source
AddType .hh text/plain 7bit # C++ headers
AddType .hxx text/plain 7bit # C++ headers
AddType .m text/plain 7bit # Objective-C source
AddType .f90 text/plain 7bit # Fortran 90 source
AddType .txt text/plain 7bit # Plain text
AddType .rtx text/richtext 7bit # MIME Richtext format
AddType .tsv text/tab-separated-values 7bit # Tab-separated values
AddType .etx text/x-setext 7bit # Structure Enhanced Text
AddType .for text/plain 7bit # Fortran
AddType .mar text/plain 7bit # MACRO
AddType .log text/plain 7bit # logfiles9
AddType .com text/plain 7bit # scripts
AddType .sdml text/plain 7bit # SDML
AddType .list text/plain 7bit # listfiles
AddType .lst text/plain 7bit # listfiles
AddType .def text/plain 7bit # definition files
AddType .conf text/plain 7bit # definition files
AddType .cnf text/plain 7bit # definition files
AddType .vcf text/x-vcard 7bit # VCard
# Compressed file formats
AddType .gz application/x-gzip # GNU Zip
AddType .zip application/x-zip # PKZIP
AddType .tar application/x-tar # 4.3BSD tar
AddType .ustar application/x-ustar # POSIX tar
# Lotus application formats
AddType .123 application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3 # Lotus 1-2-3 97
AddType .wk4 application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3 # Lotus 1-2-3 97
AddType .wk3 application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3 # Lotus 1-2-3 97
AddType .wk1 application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3 # Lotus 1-2-3 97
AddType .wks application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3 # Lotus 1-2-3 97
AddType .scm application/vnd.lotus-screencam # Lotus ScreenCam Movie
AddType .lwp application/vnd.lotus-wordpro # Lotus WordPro 97
AddType .sam application/vnd.lotus-wordpro # Lotus WordPro 97
AddType .prz application/vnd.lotus-freelance # Lotus Freelance 97
AddType .pre application/vnd.lotus-freelance # Lotus Freelance 97
AddType .imp application/vnd.lotus-improv # Lotus Improv
# Microsoft application formats
AddType .doc application/msword # Microsoft Word
AddType .dot application/msword # Microsoft Word
AddType .pub application/x-mspublisher # Microsoft Publisher
AddType .mpp application/vnd.ms-project # Microsoft Project
AddType .pot application/vnd.ms-powerpoint # Microsoft Powerpoint
AddType .ppt application/vnd.ms-powerpoint # Microsoft Powerpoint
AddType .pps application/vnd.ms-powerpoint # Microsoft Powerpoint
AddType .scd application/vnd.ms-schedule # Microsoft Schedule
AddType .wcm application/vnd.ms-works # Microsoft Works
AddType .wdb application/vnd.ms-works # Microsoft Works
AddType .wps application/vnd.ms-works # Microsoft Works
AddType .wri application/x-mswrite # Microsoft Write
AddType .xla application/vnd.ms-excel # Microsoft Excel
AddType .xlc application/vnd.ms-excel # Microsoft Excel
AddType .xlm application/vnd.ms-excel # Microsoft Excel
AddType .xls application/vnd.ms-excel # Microsoft Excel
AddType .xlt application/vnd.ms-excel # Microsoft Excel
AddType .xlw application/vnd.ms-excel # Microsoft Excel
# Macromedia formats
AddType .dcr application/x-director # Shockwave for Director
AddType .dir application/x-director # Shockwave for Director
AddType .dxr application/x-director # Shockwave for Director
AddType .swf application/x-shockwave-flash # Shockwave Flash
AddType .spl application/futuresplash # Future Splash Animator
# RealAudio formats
AddType .rm application/vnd.rn-realmedia # RealPlayer
AddType .rpm audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin # RealAudio plug-in
AddType .ra audio/x-pn-realaudio # RealPlayer
AddType .ram audio/x-pn-realaudio # RealPlayer
AddType .rv video/vnd.rn-realvideo # RealPlayer
# VRML formats
AddType .wrl x-world/x-vrml # VRML
AddType .wrz x-world/x-vrml # VRML
AddType .xaf x-world/x-vrml # VRML
AddType .xof x-world/x-vrml # VRML
# Other application formats
AddType .ods application/oleobject # OLE storage
AddType .cdf application/x-cdf # Channel file
AddType .323 application/h323 # H.323 Internet Telephony
AddType .js application/x-javascript # JavaScript
AddType .class application/octet-stream # Java class file
AddType .bin application/octet-stream # Uninterpreted binary
AddType .wp5 application/wordperfect5.1 # WordPerfect
AddType .oda application/oda # Open Document Architecture
AddType .pdf application/pdf # Adobe Acrobat
AddType .ai application/postscript 8bit # Adobe Illustrator
AddType .eps application/postscript 8bit # Encapulated PostScript
AddType .ps application/postscript 8bit # PostScript
AddType .rtf application/x-rtf 7bit # RTF
AddType .csh application/x-csh 7bit # C-shell script
AddType .dvi application/x-dvi # TeX DVI
AddType .hdf application/x-hdf # NCSA HDF data file
AddType .latex application/x-latex 8bit # LaTeX source
AddType .nc application/x-netcdf # Unidata netCDF data
AddType .sh application/x-sh 7bit # Shell-script
AddType .tcl application/x-tcl 7bit # TCL-script
AddType .tex application/x-tex 8bit # TeX source
AddType .texi application/x-texinfo 7bit # Texinfo
AddType .texinfo application/x-texinfo 7bit # Texinfo
AddType .t application/x-troff 7bit # Troff
AddType .roff application/x-troff 7bit # Troff
AddType .tr application/x-troff 7bit # Troff
AddType .man application/x-troff-man 7bit # Troff with man macros
AddType .me application/x-troff-me 7bit # Troff with me macros
AddType .ms application/x-troff-ms 7bit # Troff with ms macros
AddType .src application/x-wais-source 7bit # WAIS source
AddType .bcpio application/x-bcpio # Old binary CPIO
AddType .cpio application/x-cpio # POSIX CPIO
AddType .gtar application/x-gtar # Gnu tar
AddType .shar application/x-shar 8bit # Shell archive
AddType .sv4cpio application/x-sv4cpio # SVR4 CPIO
AddType .sv4crc application/x-sv4crc # SVR4 CPIO with CRC
AddType .ice x-conference/x-cooltalk # Cooltalk
AddType .rrf application/x-InstallFromWeb # InstallFromTheWeb
AddType .wis application/x-InstallFromWeb # InstallFromTheWeb plug-in
# Fallback MIME types
AddType *.* www/unknown # Try to guess
AddType * www/unknown # Try to guess
# Map suffixes to MIME content-encodings.
# Syntax: AddEncoding <.suffix> <encoding>
AddEncoding .z x-compress # Compressed data
AddEncoding .gz x-gzip # GNU Zip compressed data
# Map suffixes to the language of a document.
# Default: <none>
# Syntax: AddLanguage <.suffix><encoding>
# There will be two values for each keyword. Multiple keyword/
# values are allowed.
# Example:
# AddLanguage .uk en_UK
# Specify path for the standard icons included in directory listings
# Default:IconPath <ServerRoot>/icons/*
# Syntax: IconPath <icon directory path>
IconPath /icons/
# Specify blank icon URL for directory listing
# Default: default shown below
# Syntax: AddBlankIcon <icon URL><ALT text>
# Specify directory icon URL for directory listing
# Default: default shown below
# Syntax: AddDirIcon <icon URL><ALT text>
# Specify parent directory icon URL for directory listing
# Default: default shown below
# Syntax: AddParentIcon <icon URL><ALT text>
# Specify unknown icon URL for directory listing
# Default: default shown below
# Syntax: AddUnknownIcon <icon URL><ALT text>
# Bind icon URL to a MIME content-type or content-encoding
# Default: default set of icons shown below
# Syntax: AddIcon <icon URL><ALT text><template>
AddBlankIcon blank.gif
AddDirIcon dir.gif DIR
AddParentIcon back.gif UP
AddUnknownIcon unknown.gif ???
AddIcon binary.gif BIN binary
AddIcon text.gif TXT text/*
AddIcon image.gif IMG image/*
AddIcon movie.gif MOV video/*
AddIcon sound.gif AU audio/*
AddIcon tar.gif TAR multipart/*tar
AddIcon compress.gif CMP x-compress x-gzip
# Specify whether case sensitivity for suffixes is on or off.
# Default: Off
# Syntax: SuffixCaseSense <on/off>
# Only one value per keyword is allowed; only one keyword/value
# pair is allowed.
SuffixCaseSense Off
# Indicate if the absence of a trailing slash in the URL will
# provide a directory listing or the default welcome page.
# Default: On
# Syntax: AlwaysWelcome <on/off>
AlwaysWelcome On
# Enable/disable or selective directory browsing
# Default: On
# Syntax: DirAccess <on/off/selective>
# One value per keyword is allowed. One keyword/value pair is
# allowed.
DirAccess off
# Configure/disable readme feature for directory browsing.
# Default: top
# Syntax: DirReadme <top/bottom/off>
# One value per keyword is allowed. One keyword/value pair is
# allowed.
DirReadme top
# Control the appearance of the directory listing.
# Defaults: DirShowIcons On
# DirShowDate On
# DirShowSize On
# DirShowDescription On
# DirShowBrackets On
# DirShowCase On
# DirShowHidden On
# DirShowBytes Off
# Syntax: <directive> <on/off>
# Only one value per keyword is allowed. Only one keyword/value
# pair is allowed.
DirShowIcons On
DirShowDate On
DirShowSize On
DirShowDescription On
DirShowBrackets On
DirShowCase On
DirShowHidden On
DirShowBytes Off
# Specify the maximum width for the description text in
# directory listings.
# Default: DirShowMaxDescrLength 25
# Syntax: DirShowMaxDescrLength <num>
# Only one value per keyword is allowed. Only one keyword/value
# pair is allowed.
DirShowMaxDescrLength 25
# Specify the minimum width for the filename field for
# directory listings.
# Default: DirShowMinLength 15
# Syntax: DirShowMinLength <num>
# Only one value per keyword is allowed. Only one keyword/value
# pair is allowed.
DirShowMinLength 15
# Specify the maximum width for the filename field for
# directory listings.
# Default: DirShowMaxLength 25
# Syntax: DirShowMaxLength <num>
# Only one value per keyword is allowed. Only one keyword/value
# pair is allowed.
DirShowMaxLength 25
# Enabling and disabling HTTP methods
# Defaults: GET, HEAD, and POST are enabled, the rest are disabled
# Syntax: Enable <method>
# Disable <method>
Enable GET
Enable HEAD
Enable POST
Disable PUT
Disable DELETE
Disable TRACE
# Specify the directory where meta-information should be stored.
# Default: .web
# Syntax: MetaDir <directory name>
# Only one keyword/value pair is allowed
MetaDir .web
# Specify the suffix for the file in which meta-information is
# to be stored. Meta-information is stored in a file with the
# same name as the actual document, but appended with a suffix
# specified by the MetaSuffix directive.
# Default: .meta
# Syntax: MetaSuffix <.suffix>
# Only one value per keyword, but multiple keyword/value pairs
# are allowed.
MetaSuffix .meta
# Path and name of files that are to be loaded into memory each time the
# server is started. This directive may occur multiple times within the
# configuration file. The name must be fully qualified and may not contain
# any wildcard charcters.
# Syntax: CacheLocalFile <file path>
# Default: <none>
# Examples:
# CacheLocalFile /temp/path/index.html
# imbeds:
# Use this directive to enable server side includes.
# Syntax: imbeds <on/off/files/cgi><.suffix>
# <.suffix> is optional - if present, it limits which files are
# parsed for server side includes.
# Default: on .shtml
# If more than one imbeds directive is specified, the last one is used.
imbeds on .shtml
# Server-side imagemap support
service /cgi-bin/htimage* INTERNAL:HTImage*
service /cgi-bin/imagemap* INTERNAL:HTImage*